Policies and Protocols

Guest Policy & Fees

  • Members may bring up to two individuals or families as guests per day for a guest fee.
  • No guests permitted on July 4th and select Member Appreciation Days.
  • Guest must be accompanied by a JCC member and provide photo ID.

Children under age 3 | Free
Children ages 3-10 | $10
Individuals ages 11+ | $20
Family* | $40

*Family includes up to two parents/legal guardians and children living in the same household

Our JCC offers 14 day reciprocity to members of other JCCs outside of our community. Proof of JCC membership and a photo ID, must be presented to our member and guest services office.

Questions? Contact Member & Guest Services:
Owings Mills: 410.559.3506
Park Heights: 410.500.5910

Group Fitness Etiquette

Fitness Center – Youth/Teen Access

One hour training session

  • Provides access to cardio equipment only
  • Parent/guardian supervision required

3 – One hour training sessions

  • Provides access to cardio, selectorized and plate loaded equipment, medical balls and bands, pull ups, chin ups, plyo boxes
  •  No parent/guardian supervision required

Must complete Jr. Weight Training first

  • Parent/guardian supervision required

Questions? Contact:
Blake Piesto (OM): 410.559.3535 | bpiesto@jcc.org
Michele Mandel (PH): 410.500.5923 | mmandel@jcc.org

Inclement Weather Policy

In the interest of safety, we may decide to close the building or have a delayed opening or early closing time due to poor weather conditions. In addition to learning about last minute closings or delays on our website and emails, you can also sign up to receive text alerts.

  • Morning Classes, Monday-Friday: Assuming the JCC is open, we plan to offer all classes on the schedule; however, we recommend checking the My J app or jcc.org/schedules before coming to the JCC.
  • Evening Classes: The class schedule will be determined by 3:30pm
  • Saturday Morning Classes in Owings Mills: The class schedule will be determined by 7:00am Saturday morning.
  • Saturday Evening Classes in Park Heights: The class schedule will be determined by 6:00pm Saturday evening.
  • Sunday Morning Classes: The class schedule will be determined by 7:00am Sunday morning.

Please check the My J app or jcc.org/schedules for an updated schedule of classes. Sign up for Group Fitness text alerts at jcc.org/text-alert

JCC Swim Test Policy

We encourage everyone using the pool to take a swim test, including adults. Adult members and guests who want to use our special equipment or participate in special activities are required to pass the swimmer’s test in order to participate.

No test, but non-swimmers participating in camp or swim lessons may be asked to demonstrate what they can do.

This test requires swimming two lengths of the pool, one on front and one on back. This is followed by demonstrating the ability to tread water and float on the back. Intermediate swimmers are allowed to be in water by themselves up to their chest and may participate in supervised special event activities.

This test is three lengths (25 yards) of steady, continuous swimming on the front and one length on the back, followed by a demonstration of floating and treading. This test is required for those under the age of 18 to swim in the deep section of the pool without direct personal supervision. During the summer, this test is also required for participating in “deep water” special events and using the pool’s climbing wall.

Drop-in Sports Policies

Updated July 8, 2021

  • You must bring your own equipment
  • Open to all ages but kids ages 10 and under must be with a guardian; ages 11+ can play without guardian present.
  • Families are encouraged to use our Multi-purpose “blue” gym for play.
  • Please check the schedules to see when gym is available for open play.
  • Please leave personal belongings in the locker room
  • Open to kids ages 8-11 with a guardian; ages 12+ can use track without guardian.
  • Please be respectful of others and adhere to the assigned lanes for your activity that is posted at the track entrance.
  • Pickleball is available September – early June in the Glazer “wood” gym.
  • Schedule will be posted by end of August.
  • We have limited equipment available; participants are encouraged to provide their own paddles and balls.
  • Players will determine their own teams/game play in accordance to drop-in style.
  • Players are required to set up the net prior to play and break-down the net after play.
  • You must bring your own equipment.
  • Open to all ages but kids age 10 and under must be with a guardian; ages 11+ can play without guardian present.
  • Please check the schedules at www.jcc.org/hours-schedules to see when gym is available for open play.
  • Please leave personal belongings locked in the locker room.
  • Participants must access the gymnasium from the fitness center hallway.

For questions related to sports and recreational programming, please contact Rebecca Chinsky

J Play – Babysitting Policies

Weinberg Park Heights JCC
Updated May 2022

The Weinberg Park Heights JCC offers J Play, babysitting services to all JCC members who are using the JCC building. Children must be between the ages of 3 months and 5 years old. The babysitting room is located on the basement floor diagonal from the snack machines.

To use babysitting services, we encourage everyone to make reservations at least one day (or up to 2 weeks) in advance. Only those children with advance registration will be guaranteed a spot in J Play babysitting. The reservation will stand for ten minutes only. Parents who do not have a reservation must call during babysitting hours to see if a space is available for their child. Walk-ins will only be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis and may be required to wait to confirm that those with reservations have not shown up.

Sunday-Friday: 7:50am-12:00pm
J Play closes at 12:00pm. All children are to be picked up by 12:00pm
Contact: 410-500-5934


  • See a babysitter immediately upon entering the J Play room to sign in and register your child.
  • Food Policies:
    • The J Play room is peanut free. Please do not bring any peanut products.
    • Bring a peanut free snack, drink, and anything else that your child may need while in our care.
    • Please label all snacks and drink containers with your child’s name.
    • Refrain from sending your child with popcorn or lollypops, these can be choking hazards and are not permitted in the J Play room.
  • A stroller is necessary for children 12 months and younger, or children that cannot yet walk.
  • Make sure that your child has a clean diaper before leaving him/her in our care: J Play staff does not change diapers. If a child needs to be changed while in our care, parents will be located to take care of the child’s hygiene needs promptly.
  • Each child can stay for up to 2 hours continuously. Please be prompt when picking up your child.
  • Sick children will not be accepted to the J Play room. If you suspect that your child may be sick, please do not bring him/her! Babysitters reserve the right to turn away all sick children.
  • If a child is misbehaving and/or putting others at risk for injury (biting, hitting, scratching, etc.) babysitters will promptly retrieve the parent/guardian to have the child removed. Should a child commit injurious behavior to another child, the incident will result in verbal consultation with the parent and an incident report.
  • To reserve a space: Call 410-500-5934 24 hours prior to the day you need babysitting. Leave your name, your child’s name, age, phone number, date, and time you need babysitting. A sign-up sheet is located next to the sign-in sheet; this allows you to reserve a spot for your child up to two weeks ahead of time to guarantee his/her spot for up to ten minutes. If you wish to adjust or cancel your reservation time you must call to let us know.
  • Fee: $8.00 for a maximum stay of 2 hours. $60.00 for a 10-session card. J Play cards and single use coupons can be purchased at the Front Desk. Please be sure to purchase a card or a coupon before bringing your child to J Play. Cards expire a year from date of issue.

J Play opens one half hour before Group Fitness classes. If Group Fitness classes begin at 10:00am, J Play opens at 9:30am. If morning Group Fitness classes are CANCELED there will be NO J Play (Babysitting).

Sign up for Group Fitness text alerts at jcc.org/text-alert.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Babysitting Supervisor, Yocheved Glaser, at yglaser@jcc.org