Youth & Teens

A group of teenagers.

Hanging out is much more than texting some friends on a Saturday night.

With programs and leadership opportunities from middle through high school, teens can find their niche and passion and roll with it. There’s no wrong way to be the right you.

Interested in Sports? Then the JCC Maccabi Games are not to be missed. Want to be a leader or enact positive change in your community? Join in on a variety of leadership opportunities through 4Front Baltimore.

Be a counselor…a babysitter…a dancer… an entrepreneur. The J will help you live up to your values and potential, and encourage you to discover new dreams along the way.

Join the J – For Family, Fitness and Fun!

Can anyone join the J? YES! Pay as little as $42/month for youth and $52/month for adults, with no annual contract. Try Our Three Day Trial.