Meet Ijeoma Onyenekwu: Staff Accountant

April 20, 2023
The entrance of the JCC building.
Ijeoma Onyenekwu.

The JCC is excited to welcome our new Staff Accountant, Ijeoma Onyenekwu! Ijeoma found the J through LinkedIn and was immediately impressed by the inclusiveness and range of services we offer as well as the positive impact the JCC has on the community. She is passionate about the people she works with and loves working in Excel. Get to know Ijeoma in this interview.

What excites you about being at the J?
What excites me most about being at the J is the inclusiveness and the range of services we offer. I believe that community centers like this are what help to keep our young children and young adults proactive and away from unnecessary troubles. I also love the various perks that come with free membership!

How did you come to your position? 
I came across this position on LinkedIn (the best site for job seekers by the way!). I was just searching for a new opportunity, and this came up. I decided to give it a try and here I am. 

What do you like most about your job?
One of the things I like most about my job is the people (department) I work with. My first meeting/welcome was very exciting; they were so kind that it seemed surreal, but it’s genuine. Another thing I like about my job is using Excel! I use it daily for reports and a variety of other things related to my role.

Describe your typical day.
My typical day, so far, is calm. There are new challenges and “accounting adventures” each week, which to me, makes this role even more exciting and spontaneous. I have normal daily tasks to complete, then I move on to other weekly and monthly tasks. I am still in training and learning a lot of new things – so I would say my typical day is just training and completing the task on my own after the trainings.

Who were your childhood heroes?
My childhood hero was my dad! When I was younger, I was inseparable from my dad. Things my other siblings did not have the boldness to do with or around my dad, I did it. My dad is very hardworking and did everything he knew to do to make our family to live well. He came to the US before us to prepare for our arrival. He made sure that everything we needed was provided for before we arrived. I appreciate him for that!

What is one accomplishment you’re most proud of?
One accomplishment that I am most proud of is when I purchased my first car. I was very excited because it gave me a sense of responsibility. I purchased a full coverage car insurance and maintained my job. It might seem like a small accomplishment, but that step that I took, at that time, helped me to learn how to manage my money more efficiently.

What is one thing few people know about you?
One thing that few people know about me is that I was homeschooled for one school year while I was in elementary school. The reason is because I had series of surgeries on both legs and was unable to go to school. My parents decided to hire a teacher to homeschool me for that period until I was able to go back to school. After I went back to school, I had to use a different school bus from all the other students because I was still using a walker to help me move around.  

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