Surena began her fitness journey in 2007 through a stroller babies’ class led at the JCC. Prior to that, the gym would be the last place you’d find her! The trainer from stroller babies encouraged her to try a group fitness class called BodyPump, as a way to gain more strength and endurance. The class became a weekly routine until a full-time job got in the way. Then in 2013, after having a third child, she set off on her fitness journey a second time and it truly lit a spark! Today, group fitness at the J is her home, Surena is certified in Les Mills BODYCOMBAT, BODYBALANCE, BODYPUMP and LM CORE, along with certifications from Barre Above, SoulBody HIIT/LIIT and AFAA for Group Fitness Instruction. In March 2020, Surena became Group Fitness Coordinator for the JCC of Greater Baltimore, Owings Mills campus.

Next: Chinsky, Rebecca

Surena Cohen

Group Fitness Coordinator, Owings Mills / Fitness, Wellness & Recreation Dept.

Surena began her fitness journey in 2007 through a stroller babies’ class led at the JCC. Prior to that, the gym would be the last place you’d find her! The trainer from stroller babies encouraged her to try a group fitness class called BodyPump, as a way to gain more strength and endurance. The class became a weekly routine until a full-time job got in the way. Then in 2013, after having a third child, she set off on her fitness journey a second time and it truly lit a spark! Today, group fitness at the J is her home, Surena is certified in Les Mills BODYCOMBAT, BODYBALANCE, BODYPUMP and LM CORE, along with certifications from Barre Above, SoulBody HIIT/LIIT and AFAA for Group Fitness Instruction. In March 2020, Surena became Group Fitness Coordinator for the JCC of Greater Baltimore, Owings Mills campus.

Next: Chinsky, Rebecca

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