Jewish Grandparents Network introduces New Family Room
February 23, 2022
A unique virtual space where Judaism and Jewish life come alive through experiences, adventures, and activities
As awareness grows of the essential role grandparents play in the lives of their grandchildren, the Jewish Grandparents Network (JGN) is expanding its offerings and engagement to support families who want to engage in, and even rely on, multi-generational Jewish experiences. JGN’s redesigned website offers grandparents curated, timely, and varied resources to deepen their knowledge. It also grounds, in Jewish values and learning, the everyday activities they love to do with their grandkids in Jewish values and learning. The centerpiece of JGN’s expansion is The Family Room, a unique virtual space where Judaism and Jewish life come alive through all kinds of activities and adventures.
The Family Room In this unique virtual space, grandparents can find experiences, activities, and resources to infuse their family relationships with Jewish culture, values, and traditions. Whether together in person or miles apart, grandparents, grandchildren, and family members can learn, explore, and play together using activities in the Family Room. Nine different destinations are filled with creative activities and diverse resources for families to do when it best suits them. Visit The Family Room >>
Arts: Experience the pleasures of dancing with your grandchildren, tabletop drumming, shadow puppetry, photography, and the richness of museum art.
Calendar: Find the dates of Jewish and secular holidays, and upcoming events, activities, and adventures for grandparents and family members.
Celebrations and Holidays: Bring new meaning and joy to Jewish and secular holidays and celebrations.
Cooking and Food: From knishes, to kasha, to kneidlach, explore the food, and the values and ethics of food, that enrich our Jewish culture and bring families together around the table.
Family Stories: Learn about and share family histories through writing, video and audio recordings, storytelling, and creative portraits.
Gardening and the Earth: Learn how we can become shomrei adamah, “guardians of the earth,” for example, through bug identification and home composting.
Health and Wellbeing: Engage in activities that promote family members’ physical and emotional well-being including yoga, participatory art, and mindful walking.
Play: From hopscotch to e-gaming, learn about the benefits of joyful play and playful learning with grandchildren — and have fun.
Reading Room: Explore popular children’s literature from a Jewish perspective and discover wonderful Jewish children’s books including books on diversity and inclusion.